Saturday, September 8, 2018

Being present...

My wife and I just celebrated 25 years of marriage.  We took a nice trip down to Riviera Maya/Playa de Carmen, Mexico.  By the way...we felt safe and had no reason to be concerned about the cartel or whoever. (stop watching so much TV news!)

Back to my thought.  We were there for 5 days.  We had a fabulous time.  The best part of the trip, we were present for each other.  We didn't worry about the future and we didn't have any anxiety of past deeds.  I was aware of my own thoughts and feelings during this time, to recognize... I was being present and it all felt great.

We are home now and last night we had a school/church function, where our Scout Troop manned a hot dog booth.  While working with the scouts and serving the community, I became aware of my thoughts and feelings again... I was present.  No worries, no anxiety.

Become aware of your thoughts and your feelings.  If they are negative or your thinking about the past, thinking about the future... you are not being present.  When you are not being present, it is hard to enjoy the moment.  It's hard to think...I've been married for 25 years, where did that time go?  If we worry and think about things we cannot control... you are not being present and life and time will skip on by.

Enjoy the moments you have especially with your love ones... your memories and experiences are important.  Be Present during those important times.

Be Prepared!


Thursday, July 5, 2018

Independence Day & Reflection

Yesterday was America's Independence Day, July 4th.  You are probably thinking... this is going to be a posting about freedom and patriotism.  It certainly could be.  What came to my mind was that it is July!  We are in the 7th month of the year.  2018 is half way over... holy cow!  We have 6 months to complete our 2018 goals.   How did that happen?

The great thing about our Independence Day... is that it is half-way through the year and a great time for us to celebrate the Independence and our Country's birth.  Also, a great time to do some reflection and a check-in on your goals.  So how are you doing?

For myself, in some areas I am well ahead of plan.  For most of my goal areas, I need to get on it and get focused to get them done.

How are you doing?   You have 6 months to go.. time to get back on track!

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year !! 2018

A New Year and a Fresh Start.  Most people will be or have already set their New Year Resolutions.  I was walking in Walmart earlier and noticed all the exercise equipment, diet food and supplements, and some organizational supplies out in the middle of the isles or where people had to practically walk into them.  The goofy thing is that most people will give up on these resolutions by the 15th of January.  I guess that's when I'll go back to the gym.

I was thinking about goal setting over the holidays.  There's some ties to Scouting with goal setting.  As each Scout moves through requirements and ranks, they set out to hit those goals.  Scouters and especially Eagle Scouts are Goal Setters and Goal Achievers.   Perhaps this is why there is a high number of Eagle Scouts in leadership roles.  When I first started volunteering as an adult leader it was back in the later 1990's.  I remember reading that there was more than 90% of the U.S. Astronauts were Eagle Scouts.  I think that number has come down since then... but it was an impressive number.  I remember reading recently that we have 37 members of Congress that had a Scouting background.  If you were to search for famous Eagle scouts, it wouldn't take long to find some and to be impressed by it.

Our troop will be having their first meeting soon... they can count on the 'Scout Master's Minute' to be about goal setting.

Hope you take time to think about your 2018 goals.  A key is to write them down and visit the goals regularly.  Okay... you should review them daily.

Happy 2018 Scouting to you!